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Denny Schwarz

  • DTB-B-Trainer

  • played international tournaments throughout Europe as a youth

  • with 15 years position 85 in the U16 world rankings

  • Saarland champion in youth and among the active

  • since 2014 active player in the 1st division in Luxembourg (men's team of the TC Lorentzweiler)

  • played for many years in the 2nd and 3rd league of France (men's team of TC Marly)

  • active player in the Oberliga and Saarlandliga in Germany (men's team of TC Rotenbühl)

  • working as a tennis coach since 2010

  • since 2015 active as a coach at national and international tournaments (in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Macedonia)

  • “With Denny, many of our players have made a big leap forward!” - Gigo Lamesch, President TC Walferdange

Der Tennisspieler und Tennistrainer Denny Schwarz befindet sich in der Tennishalle vom Tennisverein Spora, in der Nähe von Luxemburg Stadt. Denny ist Inhaber und Cheftrainer der Tennisschule DS-Pro und k�ümmert sich um das Jugend- und Herrentraining des TC Walferdange, wo er auch Interclub spielt.
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