Stringing Service
Do you want a new string?
Then you've come to the right place. Regardless of whether the string has broken or you want to renew your stringing.
We take your racket with us after training and bring it back newly strung for the next training session.
What this means for you is that you don't have to go anywhere, which is a huge time saver. In addition, our trainers know you and your playing behavior best, so that we can use the perfect string with the ideal tension for your needs. Furthermore you are in constant contact with our coaches, so that we can guarantee the best quality.
Means for you:
Time saving
Cost savings
Highest satisfaction
As a tennis school in Luxembourg, DS-Pro offers tennis training as well as a stringing service, so that in future you can conveniently get everything a tennis player's heart desires from a single source.
In addition to tennis training and the tennis racket, the tennis string is one of the decisive factors for a successful and healthy tennis game with a lot of joy.