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Kristian Konrad

  • DTB-C-Trainer

  • has been playing tennis for over 10 years

  • trained 4-6 hours a day at Davydenko Academy for 3 years

  • working as a tennis trainer since 2019

  • gained a lot of experience through his own training with various trainers

  • “Super disciplined trainer who always prepares the training units very well. Keeps a close eye on details in the strokes, movements and footwork and always provides appropriate feedback and suggestions for corrections. ”- Jayan Jevanesan, Board Member TC Lorentzweiler

Der Tennistrainer Kristian Konrad gibt Training im Tennisclub Lorentzweiler, teilweise im Tennisclub Bissen und als Ersatz im Tennisclub Walferdange. In der Tennishalle Spora hat er auch schon Tennistraining gegeben. Er gibt in Luxemburg über die Tennisschule Tennis Müller-Cucka Training für DS-Pro.
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